Welcome to the City of Santa Ana’s Occupancy Online Inspection System
Once you have received Occupancy approval from Planning, obtained a Business License Tax Number (BTN), and have waited the 72 hour processing period, you may start scheduling Occupancy Inspections using the Online Inspection Scheduling feature.
Both the Occupancy Number and Business License Tax Number (BTN) are needed. Both are located on the upper right of the Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Scheduling Notice hardcopy paperwork.
If additional help is required, please call (714) 647-5800 for assistance.
The Online Inspection System has been tested with the following Browsers – all others may give unexpected results:
- Firefox 83+
- Chrome 87+
- Edge 44+
We hope to make your inspection online process as smooth as possible. We welcome all feedback that may help us serve you better. Please select the Planning & Building button on the lower right, for additional information on Occupancy and Inspection services.
**Please be advised that if your Occupancy application is not approved by Planning, or the number is not recognized when entered, please visit the Planning Division counter for further assistance.
Scheduling is for Occupancy Inspections only.
To schedule Building Inspections call (714) 667-2738, Fire Inspections call (714) 573-6150, Police Inspections call (714) 647-5840, and for Public Works Inspections call (714) 647-5074.
Enter Occupancy and Business License Tax Account Numbers found on the Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Scheduling Notice hardcopy paperwork.
Please exclude any special characters, spaces, and symbols. For example, COO-2020-45-CO should be entered as COO202045CO.
**Please be advised that if your Occupancy application is not approved by Planning, or the number is not recognized when entered, please visit the Planning Division counter for further assistance.
Is the address and occupancy/business information correct?
To receive electronic confirmation of scheduled inspection, enter the following contact information:
To receive electronic confirmation of canceled inspection, enter the following contact information: